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Just as us Humans have a First Aid Kit in the home in case of emergencies, we should also have one for our pets. 
Having these items on hand could save your pets life:

* GasX
* Thermometer
* Stethoscope
* BP cuff
* All A/R Mask
* Thermo Blanket (Emergency Survival Blanket)
* Flannel Blanket
* Antiseptic Wipes
* Rubber Gloves
* Latex Gloves
* Fingertip Fabric Dressings
* 2.5% Boric Acid Eye Wash
* Alcohol Swabs
* Crackable Cold Packs
* Triangular Bandages with safety pins
* 4x4 Gauge Pressure Bandages
* 2x2 Sterile Pads
* 2x5 Gauze Wrap
* 3x3 Gauze Pads
* 2x2 Gauze Pads
* 4x5 Gauze wrap
* Vet Wrap - 2" & 4"
* Tensor Bandages
* Various sizes of tapes
* Various sizes of Elasto-Plast Band-aids
* Eye Pad Bandages
* Feminine Pads -They are really absorbent and work wonders on wounds
* Polysporin
* WaterBabies Suntan lotion
* Insect Repellent
* Antiseptic Hand Cleaner
* White Petroleum Jelly
* Aloe Vera
* Tongue Depressor
* Tweezers
* Nail Clippers
* Extra Collar
* Extra Leash
* Brush / Comb
* Treats
* Socks
* Benadryl
* Pins
* Cotton Swabs
* Ziplock bags
* Matches / Lighter
* Flashlight
* Emergency Pilons
* Candles
* Syringes
* Hydrogen Peroxide
* First Aid Books - Animal + Human
* Emergency Numbers
* NotePad & Pen
A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization