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"The world is a beautiful place and worth fighting for" - Ernest Hemingway

There are some people in this world who develop a passion during their lifetime. They do things out of the goodness of their hearts, never asking for, or expecting any recognition for the good deeds they do. These are the people who we look up to and give thanks for, who make what we do so rewarding and meaningful. This page is dedicated to them, Our Hereos.
Lynda Hansen
Lynda Hansen
September 15, 1941 - November 17, 2010
Below is a letter we recieved, reprinted with permission

My Mother, Lynda Hansen, died on November 17, 2010 after complications from a triple by-pass surgery and then a massive stroke at her home in Summerlin. But for the last 20 years of her life she dedicated herself to the care of cats and dogs who had been abandoned.  In 1996 after her Mother, my Grandmother, died, my Mother began trapping feral cats and then paying to have them 'fixed' by local vets in Monterey, Carmel, and in Salinas, California.  She cared for kittens that Mother's had either abandoned or sometimes when the Mother had died.  When she moved to Summerlin she continued to adopt unwanted cats and her beloved Wippet, Zoey, who had been left the in desert after being abused and then bitten several times by coyotes.  Like her cats, Zoey was "family".  Living on a limited income, my Mother spent the bulk of her social security and IRA caring for her pets, always making sure they were checked often by the vet, getting there shots, and making sure that they ate before she ate.  In many ways my Mother was exceptionally selfless. Her heart was failing and yet she waited a month to check into the hospital because she feared that no one would care for her pets.  Had she known about "Those Left Behind", its possible my Mother might have not suffered as she did.  My Mother not only left me, but her beloved dog and her 6 cats all of whom were adopted from rescure organizations. What little money she had she donated to local rescue groups and I was sincerely disappointed that many of these same groups offered no assistanceto me in finding homes for her cats, cats that she respected and treated as if they were her children.

Lynda Hansen spayed or neutered possibly more than one hundred cats and dogs out of her own limited income for many years. She cared so deeply for the quality of life of animals that when she learned that the Director of the local SPCA in her former home community had ignored a "do not kill" policy, she took out a full page ad in the local paper and that lady was later fired.  Mother brought a kitten in on a Monday to that SPCA and on Tuesday, after finding someone who would take the kitten, Mother went back to the SPCA only to learn they had "put down" that particular kitten.  To say the least, and after many tears, she went to battle against the practices of that SPCA chapter and to this day, they have adhered more reasonable policies.  Although I live in Los Angeles, I would come to see my Mother often and would see little foood for herself in the refrigerator, but many cans of cat and dog food, kibble, and treats for her pets.  That may seem crazy to some, but I can assure you my Mother was exceptionally intelligent with a heart that was bigger than her wallet.  The care and comfort of her companions always came before her needs.  That's just the way she was.

My Mother loved all animals.  Her cats and her dog were not just companions, but to her they were friends.  I am grateful that I could bring my dying Mother home from the hospital so she could spent her final days with her pets whom she loved so much and who will now be cared for by the good people at Those Left Behind Foundation.  She didn't want to be on life sustaining machines, she wanted to die at home with me, her Son, and her dog and cat. I am so happy that her remaining days were spent at home with those she loved and I think it is remarkable that the day after I lost my Mother I met Nancy and Rae at Those Left Behind because they are doing something that worthy or our support.

I am writing a check today for the Those Left Behind Foundation.  Not because they asked for it or even suggested it.  I do so because I know it is what my Mother would do.  In this way, I can continue to keep my promise to her and insure that her pets and those of others will enjoy the care and love that they give to us so easily and which they deserve in return.  I feel so blessed to have had such a wonderful Mother and while she is now in a better place, I feel better knowing that he pets are as well with the fine people at this wonderful organization that came to my rescue at a time of great difficulty.



Col. Scott A. Ables
AlexanderDawsonElementarySchool1 AlexanderDawsonElementarySchool2
Alexander Dawson Elementary School has been one of our hero's for almost a year.  The teachers, parents, and students are the best in the world.

Last year (2011) they held a bake sale and silent auction in our honor raising funds and the spirits of all of us at Those Left Behind Foundation.  We feel they are a part of our family.  This past Christmas season the families took a break in their celebrations and gathered supplies for our pets.  They provided beds, food, litter, toys and collars and leashes for our pets that had nothing.

This and so many reasons are why they are one of our Hero's.
Many Thanks to The Los Prados Women's Club for their continued support of our Organization and helping us through difficult times.
A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization