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Therapy Pets for Children and Adults in Medical Facilities

Many clinical studies have shown that visitation by therapy animals in medical settings helps raise the spirits of those enduring long term medical care.  Whether they are children or adults, the touch of an animal can relieve boredom and depression.  We want to bring the love and compassion of pets to those patients who are undergoing, long term care placement, chemotherapy, cardiac restriction, and long term rehabilitation.  Our handlers are there to offer their services as someone to just listen, visit, and offer companionship.
"One reason a dog can be such a comfort when you're feeling blue is that he doesn't try to find out why."  ~Author Unknown
Emotional Support Animals

Click on their photo to read their Bio
Therapy Pets for Veterans

As an organization we are thankful for our veterans and all those that serve others.  We believe it is important to honor them and help where we can.  Many health organizations believe that animals used to relieve the tedium of everyday therapy are very beneficial for Veterans.  It offers them a diversion from repetitive therapy and also gives them an emotional outlet for the loss of friends or sadness associated with homesickness.  The pet offers them a memory and a bond of that pet back home they are hoping to see soon or of the pet they may want to adopt when they get home.  More often it is just having the companionship of animal and handler that do not judge, they just sit and listen and offer a loving hand and paw.
Therapy Dogs go to School

We are currently going into 5 schools  working with children with autism and behavioral problems, we have found that the therapy dogs help those children afraid to interact are able to touch and interact with the dogs.

We are hoping to provide visitation to nursing homes, hospice centers, veteran’s hospitals, therapy centers, and children’s medical facilities.  We use these special pets and other qualified and certified rescue pets that are screened and trained to interact with patients and to assist with therapy.  Through therapy and interaction with patients we offer distraction to the tedious processes that some patients must go through.

We hope that you will contact us and allow us to help your family member too.
A Non-Profit 501(c)(3) Organization